by MJ | Feb 13, 2012 | Politics |
Scared in a corner unwilling to think, unwilling to act, and unwilling to stand up and say NO. Unwilling to say we are one, and we have a voice, and if you are not willing to listen, we are willing stand up with arms, we have that right.
We the people has turned into sheeple, because no one is willing to put their head up out over the wall to see what is being done to their countries.
by MJ | Nov 23, 2011 | Politics |
Here we are hitting the end of November 2011, and we are now seeing the occupy movements being targeted and slammed against the wall and forced to move out of where they have been occupying.
One city after another has filed injunctions, and ordered the occupiers to move out. Like one big conspiracy between the mayors of all the cities where the occupy movements are in, you can see them topple like a house of cards.
by MJ | Oct 20, 2011 | Pictures |
12 Steps to Recovery
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Download: Dumb Asses Anonymous PDF
by MJ | Oct 17, 2011 | Pictures |
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by MJ | Sep 28, 2011 | Pictures |