So how did we manage to forget about the massive bug kill that went on 10 years ago, that is also still spreading today? Do we think those trees somehow magically recovered? Many of those trees are dead trees standing.
Seriously do you think the bug kill just stopped went away and things went back to normal? The Conservatives let this go on in Alberta. BC Liberals in BC. We did nothing really. We just sat there and went omg and did nothing about it.
These fires are not from global warming and climate change. They are from global trade. That is how the bugs got here. Someone managed to do an epidemiology on the bugs to figure out how they managed to get to North America.
Do you think California was immune the pine beetle? If you do, you are mistaken. We dropped them off all over the country with the thanks to global trade and rail lines.
So now when you realize you have over 100 million or more hectares of trees that are dead or dying off and not inhaling enough CO2 that they normally would have, they are not producing enough O2 as well.
Now if This pine beetle or bug kill type thing is going on all over the world, with all the trees we have a global problem…
By killing off most of those trees or damaging them so they can only work say at 40% at most capacity, when you figure that out you come to realize that what we need to do is start cutting down these dead and dying trees and replace them with a new Fast growing GMO tree that can grow to 200 feet in 10 years, and is immune to pine beetles.
Nowhere have I seen this talked about anywhere in any of the climate change doctrine anywhere. Nowhere is it factored into any of the climate change calculations. Nowhere is it discussed as part of calculating changes and growth of the pine beetle ravaging forests.
Everything we do in this world has a cause and effect. Everything we have done created this. It’s not by some accident. If you kill the symbiosis in a tree that breaths in CO2, or lowers that ability by 60%, you end up with a situation if you take 20% of all the trees in the world and only have them working at most 40% ability, We’ve basically kneecapped the environment in one knee. Now if we lower the bug kill trees to 60% and have 40% of the world’s trees working at maybe a max of 40%. We end up in a critical situation on this planet.
Real Scientists are trying to raise the alarms about this, but CO2, gas-powered cars, trucks, trains, and planes happen to be the topic of the day.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out there is no gas to the engine. It does not take a scientist to figure out where the real issues stem from.
Let me translate this to medical terminology, well Think of the world as a big set of lungs, well we’ve given it COPD, and it can’t breathe perfectly.
If you want a real science fact, look up 9/11 temperature cooling.
You don’t have to believe any I’m saying. Look it up yourself.